Margin Lending
What is a margin loan?
A margin loan is a loan account that allows you to borrow money in addition to your own, to invest in a diverse range of acceptable investments, including listed shares and managed funds.
Potential benefits
Increased returns
Access to more capital to invest may create higher returns.
With more money to invest, you can spread your investment risk across a broader range of options.
Unlock equity
Borrowing against your existing portfolio lets you increase the size of your investment without having to sell.
Tax benefits
You may be entitled to a tax deduction for interest expenses that you incur under a margin loan.
Potential risks
Increased losses
Borrowing to invest can increase your potential returns, but it can also increase potential losses.
Market movements
The value of securities may not go up, or not enough to cover the costs of the investment.
Loan obligations
Ensure that you can fund your loan interest, fees, and charges, otherwise securities will be sold to satisfy them.
Taxation consequences
Consider the taxation consequences of a margin loan and seek professional tax advice.
Our products
Compare products
Westpac Margin Loan |
Westpac Online Investment Loan |
Account establishment |
Apply online |
N |
Y |
Application fee |
$0 |
$0 |
Minimum credit limit |
$20,000 |
$20,000 |
Company borrowers |
Y |
N |
Trust borrowers |
Y |
N |
Wholesale borrowers |
Y |
N |
Acceptable investments |
ASX listed securities |
500+ |
500+ |
Unlisted managed funds |
1900+ |
100+ |
International shares |
On approval |
N |
Add-on features |
Call options |
Y |
N |
Risk management tools |
Buffer alerts |
Y |
Y |
Electronic margin call notification |
Y |
Y |
Capabilities |
View your loan & investments online 24/7 |
Y |
Y |
Choice of broker |
Y |
Westpac Share Trading only |
Borrow against acceptable investments held on Platforms and Managed Accounts |
Y |
N |
More information on margin lending
Frequently asked questions
Both have the same features but the Westpac Margin Loan – Wholesale is only available to clients that qualify as a wholesale investor and has a more streamlined application process - you only need to provide an accountant’s certificate to certify your status as a wholesale investor to support your application.
Things you should know
Westpac Margin Lending Facility Agreement (PDF 418KB)
Westpac Margin Loan Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 269KB)
Westpac Online Investment Loan Facility Agreement (PDF 425KB)
Westpac Online Investment Loan Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 301KB)
BT Securities Limited Financial Services Guide (PDF 289KB)
BT Securities Limited ABN 84 000 720 114 and Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 are together the issuers of the Westpac Margin Lending Margin Loan - Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). This information has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs so, before acting on it, you should consider its appropriateness in regard to these factors. The PDS and other disclosure documents are relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold this product and can be obtained by calling 1800 816 222 or online at www.westpac.com.au
BT Securities Limited ABN 84 000 720 114 and Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 are together the issuers of the Westpac Online Investment Loan - Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). This information has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs so, before acting on it, you should consider its appropriateness in regard to these factors. The PDS and other disclosure documents are relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold this product and can be obtained by calling 1800 816 222 or online at www.westpac.com.au
Westpac Share Trading is a service provided through Westpac Securities Limited ABN 39 087 924 221, AFSL 233723 (‘Westpac Securities’) is a service provided by Australian Investment Exchange Ltd ABN 71 076 515 930, AFSL 241400 (’the Participant’), a market Participant of the Australian Securities Exchange Limited (ASX) and Cboe Australia, a clearing participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a settlement participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited. The Participant is not authorised to carry on business in any jurisdiction other than Australia. Accordingly, the information contained in this website is directed to and available for Australian residents only.