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Presto FAQs

Here are the answers to your Presto Smart questions and tips to make the most of your advanced, integrated payment solution.

Dashboard FAQs

The Presto Dashboard ("dashboard") is an online tool which helps save time in managing your cashflow and making reconciliation simpler.

  • Near real-time monitoring: View transactions from your Presto Smart terminal in near real-time so you never miss a sale.
  • Easier, faster reconciliation: The settlement amount will be deposited to your bank account on a daily basis, and you will be able to view settlements by the next business day.

You'll be able to use your dashboard on your laptop or on-the-go using your mobile or tablet. Top tip: Bookmark the login page to make it easier to login every time.

The dashboard supports the latest two versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Customers who apply for a Presto terminal will automatically gain access to the dashboard at no additional cost. We will email you with all the details you need to get started.


Need additional support with your Presto Dashboard? Don’t hesitate to call our Merchant Helpdesk on 1800 029 749.

Presto Smart FAQs

  1. Ensure your Bluetooth base is powered on and the ethernet cable has been connected to the back of it.
  2. If your terminal is paired to the base, select 2. Ethernet under the Network setup screen then select 2. Proceed to Ethernet to enable the use of Ethernet as your communication type on your Presto solution.
  3. If your terminal is not paired to the base, refer to the FAQ "How do I pair the base to the terminal via Bluetooth?"