Westpac BlueChip20
Westpac Bluechip20 is no longer available to new investors
If you have any queries regarding your investment in this product, please call Westpac Margin Lending on 1800 816 222 (Mon – Fri, 8:30am to 5:30pm) or email marginlending@westpac.com.au. Your terms and conditions are still available for download by clicking on Westpac Bluechip20 Terms and Conditions (PDF 334KB).
Existing customers can still access details of their investment by signing into their Westpac Bluechip20 account via the above dropdown menu.
Westpac BlueChip20 may be appropriate for you if you're new to the share market or are looking to increase the diversity in your investment portfolio with shares in the top 20 Australian companies.
- You make a minimum initial investment of $2,500 which is matched with a Westpac Margin Loan of the same (or similar) amount
- These funds are then used to purchase a market weighted portfolio of Australia’s top 20 companies, as determined by the S&P ASX Top 20 Index
- Each subsequent month you invest a minimum of $250 which is matched with a Westpac Margin Loan contribution of the same (or similar) amount
- As the value of your portfolio grows, you may be entitled to more dividend payments. These can either be reinvested or used to offset the interest on your loan
- Investing in Westpac Bluechip20 may save you on brokerage, with a maximum fee of 0.05% (plus GST) for each contribution made
- Access your portfolio details online 24/7 to check the value and performance of your portfolio, loan balance, trading activity and more.
For more information on Westpac BlueChip20 and margin loans read:
Other features include:
Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVRs)
- The LVR determines the amount Westpac argin Lending will let you borrow against an individual security. With a Westpac Margin Loan, LVRs are up to 75%, depending on the particular security.
Minimum loan amount
- No transaction limits, no minimum amounts for loan drawdowns or repayments.
Tools to manage your loan
- Monitor your loan account online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- The complete picture of your borrowings and shares in the one place
- Specialist Westpac Bluechip20 Customer Service available Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm (Sydney time) on 1800 816 222.
Key risks include
- While borrowing to invest may increase your potential returns, it can also increase potential losses.
- In a volatile market, the value of your investment loan portfolio may fall to a level where it no longer provides adequate security for your margin loan and can trigger a margin call. If this happens you will be required to bring your loan balance back under your borrowing limit.
- The margin loan is a full recourse loan – even if the value of your security portfolio falls to zero, you are still liable to repay the total loan balance outstanding.
- We recommend you seek independent financial and taxation advice before acting on this information.
Please refer to the Westpac Margin Lending Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) (PDF 269KB) for more information.
Things you should know
Westpac BlueChip20 Terms and Conditions (PDF 334KB)
Westpac Margin Lending Margin Loan Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 269KB)
BT Securities Limited Financial Services Guide (PDF 289KB)
Westpac Margin Lending Guide (PDF 188KB)
Praemium Financial Services Guide
General advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness and the Westpac BlueChip20 Product Disclosure Statement and the Westpac Margin Loan Product Disclosure Statement (each a PDS). The PDSs and other disclosure documents are relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold this product and can be obtained by calling 1800 816 222 or visiting www.westpac.com.au/bluechip20.
Westpac BlueChip20 is a financial product issued by Praemium Australia Limited ABN 92 117 611 784 AFSL No. 297956. The Westpac Margin Lending Margin Loan is a financial product issued by BT Securities Limited ABN 84 000 720 114 AFSL No. 233722 and Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, AFSL No. 233714 (Westpac). Neither product is a deposit with or other liability of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac group of companies. They are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. Neither Westpac nor any of its respective directors, officers, employees, associates, or its subsidiaries guarantee or give any assurance in regard to the capital value, income return or performance of any investment offered in either PDS.