Westpac Cash Investment Account
The Westpac Cash Investment Account has been designed with Westpac share investors in mind by offering access to low brokerage, competitive interest rates, convenient features and seamless trade settlements.
Low brokerage
- Enjoy our lowest brokerage rate starting from $4.95 when you settle your trades through a Westpac Cash Investment Account.
Competitive interest
- Receive a competitive at-call interest rate with interest calculated daily and paid monthly.
- Earn bonus interest (currently 0.10% p.a.) when you settle three or more trades in a calendar month. 1
- No minimum account balance is required to earn standard and bonus interest.
No monthly account service fee
- No monthly account service fee and free electronic transactions. 2
- 24/7 access to your account via Online Banking and Mobile Banking. 3
- View your available funds when placing a trade.
- Enjoy the benefit of having one account to manage your investment cash flows.
- Option to participate in our Dividend Direction Service. Save time and enjoy the convenience of your Westpac Cash Investment Account being automatically nominated to receive your dividends.
Frequently asked questions
If you are transferring money from another Westpac account you can complete a funds transfer through Westpac Online Banking or by using the Westpac Mobile Banking App. You can also complete a transfer using telephone banking or by visiting a Westpac branch.
If you are transferring funds from another financial institution please check your available transfer options with them. You will be required to provide the BSB and account number of your Westpac Cash Investment Account to complete the transfer. You can locate these details by simply logging in to Westpac Share Trading, navigating to My Account > My Portfolio > Holdings & Accounts and clicking on the Account Details tab.
Please consider transfer and clearance timeframes when moving funds to your Westpac Cash Investment Account. Failed settlements may attract additional fees and charges by Westpac Share Trading.
Things you should know
Westpac Cash Investment Account Terms and Conditions (PDF 516KB)
Westpac Securities Terms and Conditions (PDF 174KB)
1 In order to be eligible to receive Bonus Interest, you must settle three or more ASX Trades via your linked Westpac Online Investing account within one calendar month. The Bonus Interest will be paid in addition to the tiered interest paid to your account. Please note settlement for ASX Trades occur two business days after trade execution. Bonus Interest will be paid on the last business day of the month and is calculated daily using the closing balance of your account on the last business day of the previous month and on each calendar day thereafter up to and including the second last business day of the current month. Bonus Interest will be paid on balances of $5 million or less.
Important information for customers who change their existing settlement account to a Westpac Cash Investment account.
If you open a Westpac Cash Investment account while you have unsettled open share orders on your existing Westpac Share Trading account, you are not eligible to receive Bonus Interest until:
- Your open share orders have settled or been cancelled, and
- You contact Westpac Share Trading to notify your orders have settled or been cancelled (so that they may update your eligibility to earn Bonus Interest).
Until you do both of the above, you will not be eligible to earn Bonus Interest – even if you settle 3 or more ASX Trades via your linked Westpac Share Trading account after opening your Westpac Cash Investment account.
"ASX Trades" means trades in Australian shares, options, warrants, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Exchange Traded Commodities (ETC). International Equity and International Option trades are excluded.
2 Other fees and charges may apply. For full details, please refer to the Westpac Cash Investment Account Terms and Conditions (PDF 516KB).
3 Subject to system availability and maintenance.
Westpac Share Trading is a service provided through Westpac Securities Limited ABN 39 087 924 221, AFSL 233723 ("Westpac Securities") is a service provided by Australian Investment Exchange Ltd ABN 71 076 515 930, AFSL 241400 ("the Participant"), a market Participant of the Australian Securities Exchange Limited (ASX) and Cboe Australia, a clearing participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a settlement participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited. The Participant is not authorised to carry on business in any jurisdiction other than Australia. Accordingly, the information contained in this website is directed to and available for Australian residents only.
A target market determination has been made for this product. Please visit westpac.com.au/tmd for the target market determination.
This information has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness of the information, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.
Australian Investment Exchange Ltd ABN 71 076 515 930, AFSL 241400 tries to ensure that the information provided is complete and correct but readers are advised to check any important item(s) with us before making any decisions.
The Westpac Cash Investment Account and Online Banking are issued by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Conditions, fees and charges apply. Read the Westpac Securities Terms and Conditions before deciding.