How to Close your Credit Card or View your Payout Amount
Decided to close your credit card account? Doing it correctly will help ensure you won’t incur unexpected transactions on that credit card later, and that your credit report is up-to-date and not impacted.
How to close your credit card or view a payout amount
You can close your personal credit card account in Online Banking or the Westpac App.
In the Westpac App
Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.
1. Select the Search option at the top of the screen.
2. Type in Close card and select Close card or view payout amount.
3. Select the credit card account and follow the prompts
In Online Banking
1. Go to Service > Services > Account services
2. Select Close account or view payout amount
3. Select the credit card you want to close and follow the prompts
What you need to know
- Closing your account means that you will no longer be able to use your physical and digital credit cards to initiate payments.
- Once you initiate the credit card closure process an indicative payout amount will be provided. The indicative payout amount may not include pending transactions, interest accrued or recurring payments or transactions that remain unprocessed and may be charged to your account between the date and time you initiated your credit card closure and your next statement date.
- Please be sure to monitor and check your next statement(s) for any amounts due, as you are still liable to pay any outstanding amounts on your statement in accordance with the terms and conditions of your credit card contract until the outstanding balance is paid in full. Failure to pay may incur missed payment fees and impact your credit report.
Positive Card Account Balance
- If your account has a credit balance when it is closed by you or us, we may:
- transfer that amount to another account in your name that you hold with us; and/or
- attempt to contact you to return the amount.
- If we have given you notice and you have not contacted us to seek return of the amount and it is less than $10, we may transfer those funds to a charitable organisation or association.
Following closure of your card account, if we later receive a credit to your account e.g. a refund for a previous transaction, resulting in the account having a positive card balance, we will issue you a monthly statement. Please contact us to arrange a refund of any credit balance due.
Altitude Rewards Points
- Altitude Rewards Points expire 90 days from account closure.
- If you have any Altitude Rewards Points, please contact the Altitude Rewards Centre on 1300 887 820 to redeem as you will no longer be able to redeem them online upon cancellation of your card. Altitude Terms and Conditions apply.
Recurring Payments
- We are unable to cancel these on your behalf. Please check your online banking to view a list of your recurring payments and ensure you cancel any other regular payments you've authorised on this credit card account.
- You will remain liable for charges you authorise before you request cancellation, including any recurring payments that continue to be processed until you withdraw your authorisation from the merchant.
Fees and Interest Charges
- Fees and interest charges will be incurred for as long as there is an outstanding balance on your credit card account. These charges need to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of your credit card contract until the outstanding balance is paid in full.
Card Closure Confirmation Letter
- If you close your card in the Westpac App or Online Banking, you will be provided an instant digital closure confirmation letter. You will also receive same day email confirmation to your nominated email address.
- If you close your card in branch or over the phone and you have opted into digital communications, you will receive an email confirmation letter. If you have not opted into digital communications, you will receive a physical letter by post within 10 business days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Information and frequently asked questions about credit card closure