Commodity price risk management
As the global population increases and urbanisation accelerates, the demand for commodities and energy are greater than ever. The impact on the world's finite resources is a growing global issue, and the value of these commodities is increasingly volatile.
At Westpac Institutional Bank, our global capabilities, local expertise and breadth of experience provide us with deeper insights to deliver value to our clients.
Our ability to warehouse risk facilitates the provision of full service commodity price risk management solutions to producers, traders and consumers alike.
Westpac's Commodity Derivatives team are experienced in helping our Wholesale, Corporate and Institutional customers identify commodity risk and find the most appropriate solutions to manage their unique exposures. Our offering includes solutions and products across Metals, Energy Markets, Agriculture, Bulks and Environmental Markets.
Base metals | Precious metals | Ferrous metals |
Oil | Gas |
Westpac has been responding to the challenges of climate change on our business for over 15 years. We have the experience and the expertise to assist our clients’ transition to a carbon constrained economy. Westpac was the first bank to trade eligible credits in the NZ ETS and offer capability in new Zealand Carbon Units.