Switch to Business eStatements

Your statements are stored securely in Online Banking.

Saves time
Easily share statements with your accountant or bookkeeper (if required).

No paperwork
Reduce clutter and access up to 7 years of statements online.

Available 24/7
Are you eligible?
To enjoy the benefits of eStatements, you will need to:
- Have an eligible business account(s)
- Be registered for Westpac Online Banking
- Have a
valid email address registered to your business in Online Banking
How to switch to eStatements
If you are an Administrator of a business or a Sole Trader, you can manage your business statements online, no need to phone or visit a branch.
If an account is not eligible for eStatements, the paper statement option will be shown.
You can view eStatements for any eligible account that you have access to (including as an authorised third party) in Westpac Online Banking.
For Administrators of a Business network
In the Westpac App
Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.
- Tap Profile, then tap Settings
- Under Communication, tap Statements
- Select an account and choose eStatement
In Online Banking
- Go to Administration > Business Statement Settings
- For each account you see displayed, choose eStatement
For Sole Traders
In the Westpac App
Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.
- Tap Profile, then tap Settings
- Under Communication, tap Statements
- Select an account and choose eStatement
In Online Banking
- Go to Service > Preferences
- Under Statements select the account and choose eStatement
What if I have more than one approver for my administration tasks?
If your Online Banking is set up to have more than one Approver to perform administration tasks, any changes to your statement settings will need to be approved by all Administrators on the account(s).
In the Westpac App
Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.
- Tap Business, then tap Approvals
- Select the Other tasks tab and approve any pending tasks
In Online Banking
- Select the Approval button (near the Sign Out button)
- Select the Administration tab. You’ll see the statement settings waiting approval.
Things you should know
This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. Read the terms and conditions at westpac.com.au before making a decision and consider whether the product is appropriate for you. Transaction fees may apply. Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.