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Making it right

Fixing mistakes that affect you.

We're putting things right for both our current and former Business customers, where things haven’t gone to plan. In many cases, this may mean we need to make a payment to you. Here’s some general information about what to expect if you’ve been affected.

How we put things right

Firstly, we sincerely apologise if you’ve been affected by an issue we’ve had or a banking error we’ve made.

We know you expect high quality financial products and services from us. Unfortunately, in some cases mistakes happen that may affect you and this may mean a bank payment is owed to you.

We own mistakes we’ve made and want to put things right as quickly and fairly as possible for you.

We call this remediation. We’re also further improving how we do things to reduce the risk of banking errors happening.

Here’s what you can expect if we find an error affecting you:

  • We’ll fix the problem to stop more customers being affected
  • We’ll contact you if you’ve been affected by it – usually by letter
  • We’ll explain the error to you
  • We’ll refund any money we owe you as quickly as possible.

Often, the errors we identify may mean a payment is due to a group of customers with a specific type of account. On other occasions, if we find an error, we might need to review individual customer accounts to see if - and how - a customer has been impacted.

What guides our remediation work?

To manage and respond to customer complaints and any banking errors we’ve made, we use our FAIRGO Principles as our guide.

FAIRGO stands for Fairness, Action, Integrity, Respect, Genuine and Open. (Read more about our FAIRGO Principles.)

Will I be contacted if I’m owed a payment?

The short answer is yes. As a Business customer, you’ll receive a letter about the mistake we're fixing, if a payment is due or has been paid to you and it may also include a cheque. Sometimes, we'll follow up by email or SMS, especially where we need information before we can make account payments.

Sometimes, when we’re looking into a mistake that may have affected your account, we’ll write to you to explain what is happening. We will follow up with another letter to let you know about the outcome and if a payment is owing.

Frequently asked questions

We try not to inconvenience you any further when correcting our mistakes. If you’re owed a payment and we're able to deposit into your relevant Westpac account, we’re unlikely to bother you with requests for information.

Occasionally, we might need you to complete a form, take some other action or ask you to confirm some details. This might include your current address or bank details if you’ve closed your account, or your circumstances have changed. This can affect how quickly money is repaid to you.

If you do have to call us to provide this information, we’ll ask questions to confirm your identity. We won't ask you for your PIN, or credit card details. Read more about our Privacy Statement or call us on 132 032.