2020 performance reports archive
We are committed to regular, transparent reporting to enable stakeholders to compare our relative performance over time.

2020 Sustainability Performance Report
Released 2 November 2020
Our 2020 Sustainability Performance Report is part of Westpac Group’s 2020 annual reporting suite and provides information on our sustainability performance, including climate change and human rights, over the period.
2020 Sustainability Performance Report (PDF 8MB)

2020 Westpac Foundation Impact Report
Westpac Foundation’s 2020 Impact Report documents the collective impact the Foundation, together with its community partners, is making in local communities across Australia.

2020 Westpac Scholars Trust Impact Report
Westpac Scholars Trust (previously Westpac Bicentennial Foundation) was launched in 2014 with a $100 million gift from Westpac Group to fund 100 scholarships every year, forever. The Westpac Scholars Trust Impact Report documents the progress of the Westpac Scholars Program in 2020 and celebrates the diverse contributions of Westpac Scholars.

2020 Modern Slavery Statement
Our 2020 Modern Slavery Statement has been prepared to meet our reporting requirements under both the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act (2015) and describes the actions Westpac Group has taken to address modern slavery risk in both our operations and supply chains during the FY20 period.

2020 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress
January 2021
An annual submission on progress against the UN Global Compact confirming our status as 'Active'

2020 CDP Climate Change Submission
Submitted November 2020
Westpac's submission to the 2020 CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) Climate Change Questionnaire.

2020 Carbon Neutral Disclosures
Released 19 February 2020
Westpac Group’s Australia and New Zealand operations are certified carbon neutral under the Australian Government’s Climate Active Standard for Organisations (formerly National Carbon Offset Standard) and the New Zealand Toitū carbonzero programme run by Toitū Envirocare a subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, a Government-owned Crown Research Institute.