Helping to protect and create safer communities for children

20 July 2020
Applications for 2021 have closed
As part of our AUSTRAC Response plan last year, we announced a series of actions to reduce the human impact of financial crime. Through the ongoing support of our Roundtable members and Expert Advisory Group members, we are proud to share how we are progressing and to launch a new Impact Grants Program.
In a work program we call ‘Safer Children, Safer Communities’, we are working with industry experts and partners to help protect and create safer communities for children in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region, with a focus on helping prevent the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including online sexual exploitation of children.
Progress to date includes partnerships with:
We are also progressing a partnership to improve cross-industry data sharing and develop new technologies to fight child exploitation.
Today we are proud to announce the launch of a new Impact Grants Program to support community organisations and not-for-profits that are working across a range of child safety and protection programs and initiatives in Australia, with a focus on helping prevent the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including online sexual exploitation of children.
In 2020, two types of Impact Grants are being offered:
Up to 12 one-off grants of $50,000 for early stage programs and initiatives or organisations building, testing, or piloting an innovative idea.
Applications are open until 17 August 2020, 5pm AEST. More information is available on our website and we encourage you to share the program details if you know an organisation that could be eligible to apply.