1. Explore your options
- Take a look at the range of free resources available to you. These resources can help you plan and manage your finances.
2. Have your information ready
- Your income and employment status
- What you own (superannuation, household items, vehicles and shares)
- What you owe (Westpac and other lenders, utilities, household expenses and other lifestyle expenses)
- What has changed to cause you financial difficulty?
- What changes do you expect in the future?
Having this information means we can make an accurate assessment of your financial position.
3. Apply for Westpac Hardship Assistance
- Applying online at your convenience allows us to start the process to helping you with the financial support you may need.
- If you're unable to apply online, you can call the Assist Team on 1800 067 497.
International customers can call us on +61 2 9155 5725
Monday-Friday 8.30am-7.30pm, Saturday 9.30am-6.00pm (Sydney time)
- We’re happy to talk to a relative, friend or financial counselling organisation about your accounts. We’ll just need your authorisation first to maintain your privacy.
Authorised Third Party Form (PDF 53KB)