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Collaborating for change

“We’ve found the capacity building support provided through skilled Westpac volunteers, as well as access to Westpac’s partners, invaluable. They have deepened our learning and partnership with Westpac, and directly enhanced our ability to create impact.” Sarah Chisholm, Partnership Manager at Soft Landing.

In the past year, the team at law firm, MinterEllison, continued to partner with Westpac Foundation, supporting more than 15 social enterprises and community organisations and delivering nearly 2,000 hours of pro bono legal services, valued at nearly $1 million.

MinterEllison’s senior lawyers provided a diverse range of legal services including start-up structuring, incorporation and regulatory advice and compliance; scaling – new projects and financing, mergers & acquisition, licensing and social franchising models; business risk around solvency management and restructuring, insurance, people management and guidance on policies, procedures and guidelines.

“To help build capability in board management and governance, we have delivered workshops on ‘future proofing your board’ and partnered with Westpac Foundation to pilot a Board Observership Program,” said Keith Rovers, Pro Bono & Community Investment Partner at MinterEllison.

The Board Observership Program offers opportunities for senior Westpac and MinterEllison professionals to engage with social enterprises and community organisations looking to refresh and grow their boards. Participants attend board meetings over a 12-month period in an observer role.

The pilot program has been so successful that more than 20 non profits and social enterprises and 23 Westpac and MinterEllison observers have commenced the 2019 program across NSW, QLD and VIC.


Find out more about Westpac Foundation