Before you get started, here’s a quick recap of what you’re applying for.
Foreign Currency Account
- 18+ years old
- Based in Australia
- Individuals, sole traders, or 1-director companies
- You’ll need an eligible Westpac AUD transaction account to make an outward telegraphic transfer online from the Foreign Currency Account, and pay the fees incurred.
By continuing you agree
- You have read our Privacy Statement which explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information, and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don’t, we may not be able to process your application or request.
- You can view our Financial Services Guide (PDF 249KB) before making a decision as to whether these products are right for you.
By opening the account, you agree:
- To the Deposit Accounts for Personal Customers Terms and Conditions (PDF 645KB) and the Online Banking Terms and Conditions (PDF 620KB) that apply to the products and services you are applying for.
- To us sending you a Debit Mastercard® and linking it to your account, as set out in the Westpac Debit Mastercard Terms and Conditions (PDF 210KB) (if applicable).
- To provide your consents to the actions we may take in processing your application including:
- for us to contact you about this application
- for you to receive communications about your account, as well as account statements and terms and conditions electronically. You may change your communication preferences in Online Banking or by contacting us at any time. If you are not registered for Online Banking, they will receive account statements in paper form.
- To acknowledge your obligations including Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorism Funding requirements and our other reporting obligations if you are a foreign tax resident.
- You agree to hold the account in joint names (to open an account in trust you’ll need to visit a branch)
- You agree that you have permission to give us personal information about any joint applicants
- You agree that both account holders can transact on the account individually, for example, withdraw funds without permission from the other account holder.